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Things to take care of while taking photographs in the gurudwara

Things to Take Care of While Taking Photographs in the Gurudwara

Many people are not aware of the dos and don’ts when shooting wedding photography in Gurudwara. It is important to know what you can do and what you cannot do beforehand to avoid problems later on. If you are new in the field of Sikh wedding photography, then this guide is for you!

Avoid Taking Photos Of The Guru Granth Sahib

The Guru Granth Sahib is the Sikh Holy Scripture. It was compiled by the fifth guru of Sikhs, Guru Arjan Dev Ji, in 1604, and it is regarded as a living entity that has been passed from one guru to another for centuries. The scriptures are usually covered with a cloth when they are not being read or used for services. Gurudwaras like Gravesend Gurudwara, Nanak Darbar, etc., like to avoid photography near the Guru Granth Sahib, meaning that photos of this type are offensive to many members of the Sikh community It best for wedding photographers to avoid such circumstances.

Gurdwara Guru Granth

Elevate your special occasion to unforgettable heights with our exceptional photography services, ensuring every precious moment is expertly captured.

Sikh Wedding Photography London

Keep Your Camera On Silent Mode To Not Disturb Others

You may know that cameras are not allowed in a Sikh Gurdwara. However, this doesn’t mean that your photographer should be discouraged from taking photos of the ceremony. It’s just as important to have photographs of the wedding for remembrance and sharing with friends and family as it is to have one at all. To avoid disrupting the sanctity of the event, photographers should keep their cameras in silent mode to not disturb those around them.

Silent mode so as to not disturb others

Everyone, Including The Photographers, Should Wear Appropriate Clothing

Wearing appropriate clothing is a traditional custom that is followed by most religions, including the Sikh Gurudwaras. The reason for this tradition can be to show respect for the beliefs of other cultures. So, we think it is entirely okay if you wear something ethnic and elegant at a Gurudwara! It would give you a fantastic experience we are sure.

couple-shoot-sikh-wedding- photography

Create an unforgettable Sikh wedding experience – Rely on our expert photography services to capture each cherished moment with perfection.

Sikh Wedding Photography London

Photographers Should Stay At a Distance While Taking The Best Shots During a Holy Ceremony

Wedding rituals happening in the Gurudwara are among the most essential things and hold a lot of value in the Sikh wedding tradition. The ceremony involves taking four sacred rounds around the holy book “Guru Granth Sahib Ji.” Coming in between the ceremony can hurt the sentiments of the people. It’s always better to be one step ahead when keeping sentiments in mind! As a photographer, one should always make sure to create the best of the shots while keeping their distance from the ceremony.

Sikh Wedding Photography

You should be respectful when photographing in a Gurudwara. If you are not, it will affect the spiritual atmosphere of the place and may make other visitors uncomfortable. We always make sure to take good care of the customs and traditions that are followed by a particular religion. We respect them all and ensure to provide the best results by keeping our distance from the sacred places and ceremonies! For more information, you are free to contact us anytime during the day. We will be happy to assist with all your queries.

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